INDICATION of Jhactions Bronko Cures:

Bronchitis & Pneumonia in Children & Babies, Breathing Problem, Lack of Breathe, Homeopathic Treatment Bronchitis & Chest Congestion.

Effects & Features Jhactions Bronko Cures:

  • For infantile asthma, bronco-pneumonia and cough troubles.
  • Regulates normal berthing rate.
  • Clears out persistent cough & Production of mucus (sputum).
  • Rules out nebulizer within few days.
  • 3 Months of regular intake, ensures no further relapses.

Composition of Jhactions Bronko Cures

Each 5 Gms Contaitns
Calcarea Fluorica 6 X 1.25 Gms
Silicea 6 X 1.25 Gms
Natrum sulphuricum 6 X 1.25 Gms
Five phos 6 X 1.25 Gms



Dosage : 

1/4 tea spoonful of powder should be mixed in one cup of very hot water and and one tea spoonful given 2 hourly to the patients till relapses finally stops. If acute stage every 5 to 10 minute repetitions of doses for the same will give instant relief.
Sulabh Bronko Cures

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